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Parental feedback

We value parent's feedback at our school.

These are come comments from our recent Parent survey.

Worlingworth School does the following things well:

  • Worlingworth School treats every pupil as a unique individual.
  • Worlingworth school are fantastic at encouraging children to do their best and reminds children of the rainbow values often. There are often certificates given out and jewels given out which is great and the children are encouraged to keep going.
  • Very friendly, helpful and responds to questions when asked.
  • Friendships through the whole school is encouraged and that is lovely to see
  • The school feels like a friendly family type environment. There is loads of school trips and activities.   
  • Provides a nice space for children to learn about the world in a fun and educational way
  • Excellent teachers who care about the children. Teachers always make time to listen to parents and ensure children are happy at school.
  • Brilliant communication, reminders, newsletters, tapestry erc.
  • Parents kept up to date with what’s happening.
  • Broad range of subjects covered and taught it different ways to connect with different learning styles. High learning standards, reading, phonics and maths homework. Fun rainbow value days. Opportunity for awards.
  • Wide range of sports tried and joining events with other schools.
  • Parent communication and reminders.
  •  SEND action, implementation and communication with parents.
  • Approachable caring staff who are non judgemental. Amazing educational expertise and advice, achievement inclusiveness (awards, certificates, opportunities), varied curriculum and important enrichment days, preparing and guiding year 6 through SATS.
  • Get to know children well, as individuals, Having Heads of school accessible on the playground in the mornings.
  • The teachers welcome discussions about the children.
  • Reading, active listening, getting children of different age groups to work together, regular Collective Worship.
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